mcfarlane Law compliance

Dana Josephson
Director of Business & Insurance Carrier Relations
Born in White Plains, New York, Dana is a proud University of Miami Alumna who handles McFarlane Law's new client development. Ms. Josephson works with, trains and educates CEOs, Vice Presidents, Directors of Claim Management, Fortune 500 Insurance Companies, State and Federal Law Enforcement and organizations assisting in the defense of Florida Insurance Fraud.
Dana's responsibilities include but are not limited to the Florida legal market, focusing on marketing, public relations and business development. She has been successful in implementing strategic business development initiatives, directing media relations, social media branding, web based and print based advertising and website development. Dana also manages and oversees all firm sponsorship, philanthropic contributions, marketing training, insurance company / adjuster training, and CE accreditation.
E-Mail: djosephson@mcfarlanedolanlaw.com